How to Buy Military Surplus Vehicles

Buying military surplus vehicles is a great alternative to purchasing a trademark new vehicle off the lot, as you're going to get it for a lot less money. Some military surplus vehicles are great for those who have a big yard or acreage that is too big or difficult to walk around. 

Thousands of former military items are sold to the public every year, either singly or in lots. Here's how to keep an eye out for the vehicle you choose.

army surplus vehicles

  • Do some online research to determine the type of military surplus vehicle you would like to buy. Generally when you think of a military vehicle, you think of a big off-road 4-wheeler type jeep; military vehicles though come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. 
  • Use one of the many online sites specializing in Government surplus or Government liquidation. ( I will put you soon the most powerful 10 sites to Buy Military Surplus Vehicles )
  • or Order catalogs if you want to skip the Web site. But catalogs are not just less timely, they're also less exact because you have to sift through lists of all the sales in your region and maybe elsewhere.
  • Contact a local military base and ask when they will be having their next vehicle auction. Some bases will at times have their own surplus auctions, or they will contract with a professional auction service and have the auction off site.


Read carefully about the procedure for that particular auction or sale, and follow those instructions.

Tips & Warnings

That's it , choose your Army Surplus Vehicles and enjoy your life.